Ranked, Week 2: All Scripted Shows I Watched Sept. 28-Oct. 4

I gave my thoughts on the new and returning shows of week 2 of the fall television season here, but here’s a straightforward ranking of all the scripted, non-variety (no Daily Show, Last Week Tonight, etc) shows I watched during the 2nd week of the fall television season. It’s based wholly on my enjoyment of them, so while there are some shows that may be better than others, if I didn’t like as much, it will be ranked lower. On to the rankings!

1. The Good Wife (CBS) Following up a solid season premiere with a good episode
2. Masters of Sex (Showtime) season finale
3. Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Fox) season premiere
4. The Knick (Cinemax)
5. Boardwalk Empire (HBO)
6. Modern Family (ABC)
6½. The Goldbergs (ABC) ‘and a half’ because, while it’s not quite equal to Modern Family, this episode was pretty damn close. The best parts of Modern Family (Luke Phil Haley and the ‘experiment’) shined brighter than the best parts of Goldbergs, but damn that Cam-Mitch storyline
8. The Awesomes (hulu) season finale
9. Downton Abbey (ITV)
10. Sons of Anarchy (FX)
11. South Park (Comedy Central)

11. Sleepy Hollow (Fox)
12. The Mindy Project (Fox)
12. Gracepoint (Fox)
14. Madame Secretary (CBS)

————–Worse than so-so, but not quite Bad—————
not even worth the effort to rank
-Scorpion (CBS)
-Black-ish (ABC)
-How to Get Away with Murder (ABC)
-Gotham (Fox)
-Bad Judge (NBC)
-Stalker (CBS)

—————Not Good—————
21. Red Band Society (Fox)

Downgraded to Background Noise in Future Viewings: Gotham, Bad Judge, Stalker, How to Get Away with Murder, Scorpion
Dumped: Red Band Society, Madame Secretary