Ranked, Week 6: All Scripted Shows I Watched Oct. 26-Nov. 1 (THE LAST ONE)

This is it folks, the last Ranked (+ thoughts) I’m doing. This really made me keep up with all of my shows every week, which can be exhausting, and sometimes it’s just not fun to rank all of your shows every single week when a lot of them are very quite good (or many are just meh and not worth the effort to rank). This must be how people who like kids feel when they say they can’t pick a favorite child.

1. Boardwalk Empire (HBO) Series finale
Deserves to be #1 this week, not just because of sentimentality that it was the last episode, but because it was a beautiful series finale that capped off a superb final season to a show I’ve merely liked, not loved (also Good Wife & Homeland had decent-not-home-run-episodes).

2. The Good Wife (CBS)
3. Homeland (Showtime)
3½. The Affair (Showtime)
5. Kingdom (Audience Network/DirecTV)
Has the ingredients in place for a truly captivating series, and it nails it often enough to keep me interested (Jay and his junkie prostitute mother are the most interesting parts of this show), it just needs all the other parts to fall into place)
6. Sleepy Hollow (Fox)
7. Constantine (NBC)
Proving to be fun, and this episode was a decent amount of scary (for regular people: not very)
8. The Goldbergs (ABC)
Has really become solid
8. A to Z (NBC)
So far into this season, A to Z has pretty much won me over and is probably the show I like the most amongst the crop of new fall shows. Too bad it got cancelled. Won’t even make it to the end of the alphabet
10. Modern Family (ABC)
Cam & Mitch, meh
11. Black-ish (ABC)
Another surprisingly decent episode
12. Gotham (Fox)
13. South Park (Comedy Central)
14. Jane the Virgin (CW)
14. Marry Me (NBC)
16. Sons of Anarchy (FX)
16. The Flash (CW)
That scene with The Flash zipping in and out of the crashing train rescuing people were cool. But this is practically my tipping point with the show. I just don’t care anymore with its requisite 1 groan-worthy line of dialogue per episode and over meh< writing. I’ll probably slog through the show through the next 1-2 months (as background noise) but this episode was the point where I ran out of all my fucks to give.
16. Downton Abbey (ITV)
16½. Gracepoint (Fox)